PHP Chess

PHP Chess is a chess library offering move validation, common formats, multiple variants, UCI engine support, explanation of chess positions, image recognition and knowledge extraction from games.



  • PHP >= 8.1
  • Stockfish >= 15.1

Composer installation

composer require chesslablab/php-chess


Formats Supported

  • Chess moves in LAN and PGN formats.
  • Movetext processing in LAN, SAN and RAV formats.
  • NAG support for SAN and RAV movetexts.
  • UCI protocol.
  • Chess board to PNG and JPG image.
  • PNG and JPG image to FEN.
  • FEN to chess board.
  • Chess board to MP4 video.
Acronym Description
LAN Long Algebraic Notation
PGN Portable Game Notation
SAN Standard Algebraic Notation
RAV Recursive Annotation Variation
NAG Numeric Annotation Glyphs
UCI Universal Chess Interface
FEN Forsyth-Edwards Notation

Chess Variants

Multiple variants are supported with the default one being classical chess.

Variant Chessboard
Capablanca Chess\Variant\Capablanca\Board
Capablanca-Fischer Chess\Variant\CapablancaFischer\Board
Chess960 Chess\Variant\Chess960\Board
Classical Chess\Variant\Classical\Board
Dunsany Chess\Variant\Dunsany\Board
Losing Chess Chess\Variant\Losing\Board
RacingKings Chess\Variant\RacingKings\Board

UCI Engines

Listed below are the UCI engines available at the moment.

  • Stockfish


The chess board representation is an object of type SplObjectStorage as opposed to a bitboard.

Thoroughly Tested

PHP Chess has been developed with a test-driven development (TDD) approach.

The tests/unit folder contains plenty of real examples. Almost every class in the src folder represents a concept that is tested accordingly in the tests/unit folder.

The PHP Chess docs are more of a tutorial rather than an API description. The unit tests are the best documentation. For further details on how to use a particular class, please feel free to browse the codebase and check out the corresponding tests.


PHP dependencies required:

  • Rubix ML for machine learning.
  • Imagine for image processing.